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  • Writer's pictureEleanor Spry

The Three Hidden Benefits of Hiring A Graphic Designer

Updated: Mar 12, 2021


A graphic designer can create logos, flyers, and brochures, but beyond making your business look more professional, what else can they bring to the table?

If you’re on the hunt for a graphic designer, chances are you have got as far as weighing up the benefits of using a professional. Things like expertise in branding, next-level creativity, and a finessed end result are usually good motivators for instructing a designer.

But what if I told you that there were benefits that aren’t immediately obvious...


Fix Up Look Sharp

Don’t underestimate the power of consistent, well laid out materials and graphics. It’s more than just looking tidy - having a running theme throughout your website, social posts and print collateral gives potential customers a reassuring feeling that can help them to make a buying decision.

It shows that you take your business seriously.

For example, one of my clients is a ground working company; in my experience of smaller construction businesses ‘branding’ is an unknown concept, let alone brand consistency.

So when I created a logo, business cards, and a company brochure that all had the same look, the client wasn’t convinced it was worth the investment.

Fast forward three months and he tells me the brochure was the best decision he made for the business. It set him apart in an industry where being reliable, reassuring, and well presented goes a long way towards converting a potential client into an actual client.

Beauty AND Brains

A graphic designer will have a wider understanding of what works in terms of visual identity, how that’s perceived, and how it fits with the rest of your marketing.

Use that knowledge!

A large proportion of my clients exhibit at wedding fairs so anything I design for them has to be appropriate for print, deliver quick information but also stand out later when a couple are inundated with flyers. It’s a tall order, but I’ve had a great success rate.

Oops, I Did It Again...

logo, branding, mock ups,
Sample mock-ups of my pre-designed logos

Any designer worth their salt will admit to their past mistakes. Everyone has a learning curve, so if you’re attempting to DIY your design, be prepared to bin some of the results. If chucking money away (not to mention the waste of paper) fills you with horror, then hiring a pro is a good route to go. Higher initial outlay, long term saving.

Trust me, we make mistakes, learned from them, and now have a better business because of it.

My advice? Don’t be your own guinea pig!

So there you go, three things that might not be immediately obvious but certainly add value to your business.

Good design can transform a business, I’ve seen it happen.

So before you get up close and personal with Canva, have a think about what you want to achieve with your design overall.

eleanor spry, graphic designer, branding, brand logo
Being a designer is hilarious 🤣

Over ten years of designing has taught me a lot of things, and my merit as a graphic designer is one of them. I'd love to you about your design needs, ping me an email on


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